Manila Revealed: Testimonials on Why the World’s Most Misunderstood City Rocks

June 19, 2013 9:03 pm0 commentsViews: 61
Manila Revealed: Testimonials on Why the World's Most Misunderstood City Rocks

Manila Revealed: Testimonials on Why the World’s Most Misunderstood City Rocks

See on Scoop.itTravel and Vacation Getaway

Manila Revealed: Testimonials on Why the World’s Most Misunderstood City Rocks.

Manila is a misunderstood city. Often neglected and rejected by many, even by locals, it is in need of a second chance. Years and layers of poverty and pollution has made it look derelict. But if you go beyond the surface you will find a city with a soul.

This is exactly what these adventurers and discerning travelers below have discovered. Read on as they share five different testimonials with one common message: Manila Rocks!

For Mark, it’s the passion of the people, the enthusiasm and the virus of happiness that spreads through Filipinos and carries over to those who choose to visit which makes it so special…..

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