Reclaim Your Space: Organize Bills, Paperwork, and Other Items in Your Home

June 4, 2014 11:16 am0 commentsViews: 36

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By Karen Cordaway Writer,

If your house seems cluttered, ask yourself if you have too much stuff or do you just need to put stuff away. Establish a routine to do so….

Be honest…

How do you generally feel after looking around your home? Do you feel calm and relaxed? Or do you really feel overwhelmed and frustrated? Sometimes we think this is just par for the course and we become accustomed to feeling this way and don’t even notice anymore.

But I’m not here to preach the demise of clutter or tell you to become a minimalist. As for me, I am starting to implement some general guidelines and basic ground rules as an attempt to live a calmer, simpler existence. The one where you wake up to clean clothes hung up, clear kitchen counters, and important papers in their place.

After paying close attention to the messy trend in our home, we noticed that it’s not so much the clutter, we just don’t routinely put stuff away. Setting up a system to handle all of this stuff is essential to making a household run smoothly.

Here’s what I do. I make my kids empty their bookbags as soon as they get home. All papers need to be handled. I designate one spot to corral all of the papers that enter my house. As soon as I come in, I place the papers in this spot before doing anything else. Some items need immediate attention while others can be attended to at a later date. I handle whatever needs immediate attention. Also, I take action on anything you can do now. I put bills and financial documents in a red folder that sits on my kitchen counter. I know I will attend to it weekly and handle it from there.

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