Single Serving of Coconut Oil can Boost Brain Health Significantly (“VCO, the best brain booster”)

September 6, 2013 5:23 pm0 commentsViews: 50

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Single Serving of Coconut Oil can Boost Brain Health Significantly ("VCO, the best brain booster")Were you aware that consuming a single serving of coconut oil daily can preserve brain health and reverse dementia and Alzheimer’s thanks to healthy fats?

Perhaps you already know about the numerous health benefits of coconut oil, but were you aware that in as little as one daily serving, the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) or ‘healthy’ fats in coconut oil can start to repair slow neural pathways and improve cognitive functioning and memory? This is true for people of all ages, but especially in senior adults.

While many people believe they should avoid fat altogether, medium chain fatty acids are vitally important for our health. They help to:

Prevent vitamin deficiency since many vitamins like vitamin D are only found in fatty parts of foods (good, not man-made fats, like hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils which have been tampered with by man) and are therefore called fat-soluble. This means your body can only absorb these vitamins by eating healthful fats.Good fats can increase the bio-availability of fat-soluble nutrients needed for multiple tasks in a healthfully functioning body.Good fats support both physical and physiological health in developing children, starting as early as during fetal development.
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