The Life of a Travel Writer

August 2, 2013 11:28 pm0 commentsViews: 52

By: Guest Author

The Life of a Travel Writer

As a travel writer I often encounter a lot of things. These things offer surprises that make my life quite unique. The life of a travel writer means that you are never in the same place for two days straight when on assignment. People often ask about my life and they always assume that it is exciting and for most part a bit glamorous. Here is my story so you will have an idea how a travel writer lives.

Hectic schedule

To put things in perspective I am always on the road most days in a year. You need to be out in the open to write about traveling, hotels and all things that is about living on the road. When I travel it is always about an assignment far from treating it like a vacation. Writers need to have a compressed view of every trip. You need to get all things in a capsule and have it written so the world can see the places I have been. This brings me to admit that as a travel writer, I sometimes experience anxiety and stress especially when something happens unexpectedly and it ruins my mood for writing. The good thing about it is that each place I visit will always have something to melt my anxiety away.

Celebration of life

When I am on the road I always take to heart the various customs and traditions in the places that I visit. And it helps the readers to understand the world. Often they use what I have written as a guide for their own trips.

Educating people

I write often about my experiences. They learn from the mistakes I made so they would not be treading the same road I did. But for the most part it is about letting readers feel about the far off destinations I have been that often most people may not be able to see. My writing celebrated the beauty of the world and how life can be wonderful in all parts of the globe.

It is the excitement

When I am on an assignment the thing that inspires me is the sheer exhilaration and the opportunity to have an adventure. You get to go to fabulous places like those near the Caribbean or the Mediterranean. I love what I do because I get to see places and capture the essence of a place through the beautifully crafted words that I use.

Stuck in the office

When I am not on the road I would often do office stuff. Sometimes I would take a peek at my trackers to see which published articles have remained unpaid. I prepare the invoice for the editors and even prepare the photographs to be sent out to the editors. I would use this time to do some quick research on the next places that I plan to visit. Sometimes I would make inquiries on the hotels and restaurants that I want to visit soon.

As a travel writer I let my eyes to be my readers’ eyes and my ears to be their ears. I set the mood for them but capturing the essence of a place is never easy. I know that my words are not enough to describe how beautiful our home—this planet really is.

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