The Most Extreme Jobs in the World

March 7, 2014 3:37 pm0 commentsViews: 137



By: Neil Doris 
Custom Electrical Panel 
‘The Most Extreme Jobs in the World’ looks at some of the risker jobs people undertake on a day to day basis. Some people love the extreme, from partaking in extreme sports, following extreme fitness routines and going on extreme holidays.
While these people crave the adrenaline and danger that comes with these activities it is not your average lover of the extreme who could work in these types of jobs.
The first job featured in this info graphic is a Venom Milker, and it is exactly what you are thinking – extracting the venom from poisonous reptiles and animals to examine for scientific research. You might wonder how Window Cleaning is a high risk job. Well it is if you are cleaning the windows of some of the tallest buildings in the world, literally suspended mid-air along the side of a skyscraper.
Storm Chasing although hard to believe is a full time profession and the next one featured in this info graphic. Most people run from a storm but the men and women who work in this field literally run to the centre  of tornados and thunder storms to place measuring apparatus as close as possible to the eye of the storm.
You have probably heard of a physiologist but have you heard of a crocodile physiologist? This extremely dangerous job involves wrestling these reptiles out of the water to examine their functions. Cave Divers are responsible for discovering unwater caves and what lies inside them. This job is extreme as one wrong move could leave the diver disorientated, far beneath water with a limited supply of oxygen.
This info graphic couldn’t  look at extreme jobs without mentioning stuntmen and women. These people do the work that actors are too scared to do, which could be anything from jumping from a tall building to partaking in a high speed car chase.
The final extreme job featured in this info graphic are crane operators. Cranes are dangerous machinery to operate as it is but if you had to deal with harsh conditions and hazardous locations it makes the job even tougher! Read on to see if you would be able for any of these extreme professions.  
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