The Philippines – Your Destination for Great Vacations

June 27, 2013 6:56 pm0 commentsViews: 40

See on Scoop.itTravel and Vacation Getaway

Sometimes the hardest part of taking a vacation is choosing where to go. There are so many things to consider – cost, safety, travel restrictions, and so on. However, one destination that comes highly recommended is the Philippines. So, where is the Philippines?

 Officially, the name of the country is the Republic of the Philippines, though there have been several variations in the past. Names aside, plenty of people are not sure exactly where this amazing country is located.

The Philippines is a Southeast Asian country, so to look for it on a map, first look towards the Asian continent. China is a good place to search from, as it is big and really close to the Philippines. From the southeast coast of China, continue bearing southeast until you reach a group of islands above the equator.

Now that you know roughly where the Philippines is, you may be wondering about the entry points. The capital of the Philippines is Manila, which is found towards the mid-south of the large northern island, called Luzon. Manila sometimes gets a bad rep for being dirty and dangerous, but if you know what you’re doing, it can be a fun and exotic yet easily-accessible place……..

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DestinationFeed‘s insight:

Beautiful and breathtaking places, great food and big-hearted people. Only here in the Philippines!

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